Natural Holistic Th​erapies
Natural Holistic Th​erapies
Unleash your natural ability to heal.

Energy Cl​earing Group Meditation
Energy Cl​earing Group Meditation
Wednesday's at 8:00 pm EST​​​
Wednesday's at 8:00 pm EST​​​
Join Lisa every Wednesday evening at 8:00pm EST for this deeply relaxing, energy clearing and fortifying group meditation class. Each group session focuses on cultivating a state of overall health by working to release physical tension, quiet the mind, clear the energy body and release emotions that do not serve your overall sense of wellbeing,
Most people leave the class feeling notably less "stressed", deeply relaxed, renewed and balanced. Moving you into a state in which to create optimal health - physically, emotionally, mentally and energetically. The class also serves to intensify your intuition, connection and sense of inner harmony.
Weekly themes include: "Nurturing Your Inner Child", "Self Acceptance & Love", "Energy Cleansing - Body & Home", "Releasing the Past - Cord Cutting", "Health Renewal", "Energy Fortifying Body Scan", "Claiming Abundance" & "Releasing Limiting Beliefs".
$10 CAD/ person online via Zoom.
To register please click the button below and email Lisa for class & payment details.