Natural Holistic Th​erapies
Natural Holistic Th​erapies
Unleash your natural ability to heal.

Workshops & Classes
Workshops & Classes
Reiki Level I Certificate Course
Sunday, September 29th, 2024
Equilibria Health Centre
1200 Markham Road, Lower Level 1
Scarborough ON
$250 / person
*$235 reduced rate when registered by September 15th, 2024

Why Learn Energy Healing / Reiki?
Why Learn Energy Healing / Reiki?
- ​Take your self care practice to the next level by le​arning how to clear and balance your energy field by releasing stagnant emotions and physical tension from your body to promote overall health
- Greatly enhance your meditation practice to calm the mind, stop negative thought patterns to allow for emotional balance / stress relief, mental clarity, physical healing and improvement in mood
- Enhance your intuition & overall spiritual connection
- Raise your energetic frequency and begin to purge out denser, stagnant energies
- Assist others through energy session work with full certification as a Level I Reiki Practitioner
- Balance the chakras and increase life force flow for physical, mental and emotional wellbeing
- Fortify your energy body / auric field
- Learn to grid and energetically clear your personal space in preparation for session work and for energetic "housekeeping"
Class is limited to 10 people maximum.
A $100 deposit is required at the time of registration with the balance due on the day of class.
Certificate and manual provided.
Email: lisa_kavanagh@rogers.com to secure your spot.
Deposit can be made via etransfer or via paypal.
Monthly reiki shares to practice and connect with other practitioners will be offered for continued support.

Weekend Retreat - The Art of Self Empowered Healing
Friday, June 21 - Sunday, June 23, 2019
Algonquin Park

A weekend retreat designed to help you connect on a deeper level with your intuition, reminding you that you have the innate ability to heal from within. Over the course of the weekend you will learn about the essential tools (meditation, energy work/Reiki, nature, mindfulness, nutrition and gem stones) that will greatly assist you on your journey, surrounded by the serenity of nature and supported by heart-centred practitioners and like-minded participants.
Investment - $450
Includes shared accommodation, meals, Reiki level I, meditation, nature walk, gemstone chakra kit (7 stones) & taxes.
A deposit of $100 is required upon registration. Refundable with cancellation received by Friday, June 14th.
*For private accommodations please add $100 ($550 in total).
Archana Rama Reiki Master, Huna Practitioner, Gemstone Healer, Meditation Guide
Karm Hans Naturopathic Dr.
Liliana Martins Herbalist & Nature Guide
Lisa Kavanagh Intuitive Energy Worker/Reiki Master& Counsellor
Friday, June 21st
• Arrive by 4pm
• Settling in & introductions
• Dinner& Round Table Share
• Grounding guided meditation & bonfire (weather permitting)
Saturday, June 22nd
• Morning guided meditation
• Breakfast
• Reiki level I
• Lunch
• Guided nature walk & edible plant harvest
• Quiet time/reflection/relaxation
• Reiki share
• Dinner with Round Table Share
• Evening meditation & bonfire (weather permitting)
Sunday, June 23rd
• Morning guided meditation
• Breakfast
• Introduction to gemstones (related with the 7 chakras)
• Open share & gratitude circle
• Lunch
• Pack-up & depart by 2:30pm
"The Ranch"patsranch.com has a history dating back to the 60's "back to the land" era. It has evolved from that to become one of the most therapeutic retreats in North America. The beautiful location in the Madawaska Valley has been used for white water canoeing and kayaking as well as snow shoeing, skiing, fishing and many other nature based adventures.
To register please contact Lisa Kavanagh at lisa_kavanagh@rogers.com by Friday, June 14th.
*If required, car pooling can be arranged once guest list is finalized.